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(Mon - Friday)
47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Professional Services

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We are focused on an unbiased approach in assisting clients with supporting their assets, allowing them to extend the lifecycle of their hardware and optimize their IT infrastructure

Professional Services

We are focused on an unbiased approach in assisting clients with supporting their assets, allowing them to extend the lifecycle of their hardware and optimize their IT infrastructure


We have a pool of qualified engineers that have years of experience in specific environment. They are well trained & certified in specific area such of networking & IT infrastructure. Our IT professional have helped many customer overcome challenge in maintaining their system operation. COREDATA SDN BHD offer various of solutions related to services including virtualization, Active Directory (AD ), data center, storage, network & application. Some of the leading IT products we have successfully delivered in project a re HP, DELL, ORACLE, VMware, Netapp, etc.


We have a pool of qualified engineers that have years of experience in specific environment. They are well trained & certified in specific area such of networking & IT infrastructure. Our IT professional have helped many customer overcome challenge in maintaining their system operation. COREDATA SDN BHD offer various of solutions related to services including virtualization, Active Directory (AD ), data center, storage, network & application. Some of the leading IT products we have successfully delivered in project a re HP, DELL, ORACLE, VMware, Netapp, etc.

Our Consulting Service
Coredata is the one-stop place for all of your migration needs, from physical to logical. Our key differentiators include brand neutrality, usage of our field engineers and accessibility to our global inventory for swing gear.Our expert IT engineer will make sure all the risk is minimized.
Coredata end to end datacentre, network, service desk & support service come together in our manage services models.

From our professional field-based engineers to highly responsive service desks and managed operations, your business will run smoothly than ever.
Our professional service as :
- Installation & configuration services – server, storage, switch, etc (DELLEMC ,ORACLE, IBM, NETAPP, HP..etc)
- AD services – Fresh install, migrate, etc
- Antivirus installation
- Troubleshooting – network, infra (hw)
- VMware & Veam services – Backup, New install, migrate, upgrade new version, etc

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47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
(Mon - Friday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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