Welcome to Coredata
(Mon - Friday)
47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

IT Maintenance

IT Maintenance

We provide single source of IT Management services that includes Hardware replacement and maintain system services and configuration.

Professional IT Maintenance

COREDATA SDN BHD provide single source of IT Management services that includes Hardware replacement and maintain system services and configuration. We will upkeep and maintain of the hardware including servers, storage, switch & others. We know hardware & application are one of the critical component of business in any companies thus it must be well maintain.

Therefore, we provide one stop solution center by providing full maintenance services including replacement parts, services & configuration, mobile asset management & helpdesk support. By combining all of this three core components, customer can maintain & run the operation smoothly.

Part Replacement
Patch Management
Preventive & Corrective Maintenance
Technical Support & System upgrade

Server Maintenance

We provide single source of Server Maintenance services that includes Hardware replacement and maintain system services and configuration.


What we offer ?

Maintain the server and make sure it working in tip top condition
Choose your service levels agreement depends on the complexity
Hardware and parts replacement for End of Life equipment
Reduce your operation cost and increase your profit margin
Single point of contact to manage your equipment
Cascare Mobile helpdesk included to smoothen the support process

Network Maintenance

We provide single source of Network Maintenance services that includes Hardware replacement and maintain system services and configuration.

Our certified engineers will support through out the contract
Response will be in single point of contact to cather problems by user
Stock up part locally for replacement to meet the SLA
Onsite Field Support
Cascare Mobile helpdesk included to smoothen the support process

Storage Maintenance

Data Storage Experts to Meet All of Your Maintenance Needs

Quicker Response Times
Within two (2) hours of notification by
the Customer respond to a request via phone,
and within four (4) hours on site at the Customer’s premises.
Our storage engineer will engage with customer accordingly
Remote monitoring service before onsite to see clear view on the problems
Mobile & Web Helpdesk
Cascare Mobile helpdesk included to smoothen the support process

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47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
(Mon - Friday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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